SUSE Labs Conference 2024


Both the conference rooms and the accommodation has been arranged in the Quality Hotel Ostrava City, Hornopolní 3313/42
702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic, GPS: 49.8424214N, 18.2687197E

Wireless network connection is available everywhere in the hotel.

Room Booking

To book your room please visit this special hotel booking website just for our event. To get the special conference rate do not use the general booking link at the hotel homepage.

Switch the language (EN, DE, CS) at the top right.
Set arrival and departure dates, number of persons per room.
You can add parking or other services in the next steps.
The payment will be done on site by cash or CC (VISA, MasterCard and AMEX are accepted). 

In case of any needs regarding accommodation contact  the hotel´s reservation department directly: 
Ms. Romana Lašeková
Tel: +420 595 195 509
E-mail: reservations.qoc@q⁠-⁠

The conference rates are:
2500 CZK (98 €) per night for a single room (+ city tax 35 CZK/night/pers)
2900 CZK (114 €) per night for a double room (+ city tax 35 CZK/night/pers)

Cancelation policy: free upon 24 hrs prior to arrival. To cancel or modify your reservation use the link in you confirmation e-mail (scroll down to the bottom of the long e-mail body). 

Hotel room booking is separate from conference registration. Do not forget to register for the conference HERE and then book your room HERE.

Room Sharing

The hotel capacity is limited. Like last years we support hotel room sharing. Please note that room sharing is completely voluntary activity and it is O.K. to stay in a single room. We appreciate your courage to step into new experience.